THE DAMAGE OF NOT DEVELOPING MALE ENERGY;The concept of masculinity is often misunderstood. It is not about being a manly man; it is not about being macho, aggressive or idiotic. It does not mean getting pissed off and beating on things when you get frustrated. Developing male energy means developing your ability to focus, create and achieve what you want in life. Developing male energy means having the courage to face whatever comes at you without flinching away from it or trying to run away from it (which does nothing).



Developing male energy means being able to tolerate more.

  • Developing male energy means being able to tolerate more.
  • When you develop male energy, you can overcome your fears.
  • Male energy is the ability to stand up for yourself and what’s important to you in life. It allows a man to say no when others ask him to do something that doesn’t feel right or isn’t good for him personally.
  • The more developed your male energy is, the more confident and assertive you will become about expressing yourself in life. You’ll be able to listen with an open mind rather than close down because someone disagrees with something or challenges your point of view on something important (whether it’s politics or religion). You’ll also learn how not only respond appropriately when someone comes at you with negative emotions but also how best avoid getting into such situations altogether! That means taking care of yourself before anything else happens so that nothing bad ever gets out of hand because someone else thinks they have power over another person just because they’re bigger than them physically-wise.”

Developing male energy means being able to face the dark and not run away.

Developing male energy means being able to face the dark and not run away. For most people, the dark is associated with bad things, evil, and fear. It’s so easy to ignore it or run away from it. But you can’t develop your masculine power if you don’t learn how to embrace the darkness in yourself and others.

The first step in learning how to embrace your shadow is recognizing that there are parts of yourself that are hidden within but still affect what comes out of you. If they weren’t there at all, then whatever comes out would be a pure reflection of who you really were on the inside—but sometimes what comes out isn’t always exactly who we want it to be!

When this happens (and it will happen), instead of judging yourself as “bad” or “evil” because of these darker impulses/feelings/thoughts/instincts…try accepting them as part of who YOU really are!

Developing male energy means being able to be the leader in all situations.

Developing male energy means being able to be the leader in all situations. This includes being able to take charge of any situation you are placed in and make sure that you come out on top.

This is why it is so important for every man to develop their own unique style of leadership. There are many different types of leaders, but only one type has ever been successful throughout history: the kind who knows how to lead by example. In order for your leadership skillset to be effective, you must understand how the world works and where its power lies—and then use this knowledge against others through manipulation and coercion when necessary (but ONLY when necessary).

Developing male energy means having a strong and vital sexual energy, so you are attractive to women.

Male energy is the life force of a man. It is his vitality and his energy, which makes him attractive to women, who are attracted to male energy because it causes them to feel alive and vibrant.

Developing male energy means having a strong and vital sexual energy, so you are attractive to women.

When you have an active sex life with many partners, the sexual energy that you produce will help you develop your overall capacity for male energy. The more sex partners you have had in your life (and the more often), the more developed your overall capacity for male energy will be by default!

Developing male energy means that you can sit there and stare into nothingness and not get bored, or feel like you are wasting time.

Developing male energy means that you can sit there and stare into nothingness and not get bored, or feel like you are wasting time. It means that you can focus on one thing for a long time without getting distracted. When we develop our male energy, we learn how to be still and quiet, which helps us relax. We learn how to sit still for long periods of time without getting bored or fidgety. This gives us more control over our minds so they don’t wander all over the place causing problems in our lives like anxiety or depression

Developing male energy means that you can create something from nothing.

Developing male energy means that you can create something from nothing. You have the ability to focus on a goal and make it happen. You can also focus on a task and make it happen, because you are driven to accomplish what needs to be done.

You can create something from nothing because you have this ability within yourself.

Developing male energy means that you know how to use it for long periods of time (hours) without getting tired, burned out, or bored.

There is a lot of knowledge out there on how to develop your male energy. You can read about it or even take courses to learn how to use it. But one thing that people who have developed their male energy seem to all have in common is the ability to use their own male energy for hours at a time without getting tired, burned out, or bored.

Many people think that the amount of time they spend doing something is what makes them good at it, but this isn’t true! The truth is that if you’re tired after 10 minutes of doing anything then chances are that you’re using too much female energy because you’re trying so hard (or maybe even not trying at all) and as soon as things get difficult then BAM! You’re done!

Developing male energy means knowing how long before being done with something instead of just starting something new whenever you feel like it (which for most people happens every few minutes). Developing male energy means knowing when enough is enough and being able to stop before reaching burnout point—and feeling good about doing so too!

Developing male energy means that when you have an object in mind, you can focus on it, put it upon and really make it happen.

Developing male energy means that when you have an object in mind, you can focus on it, put it upon and really make it happen. It also means that you can develop the confidence to take risks in your life and be willing to fail or be unsuccessful at times.

When you have a goal in mind and the will to see it through, then nothing can stop you from achieving success. But there are some things that need to be said about how these goals are achieved:

  • Set yourself a goal but don’t let it consume your thoughts too much – as long as it remains at the back of your mind and is there when needed, then this is enough for now;
  • Don’t get distracted by other activities or people who want something from you – keep focused on what’s important;
  • Don’t give up – this is probably one of the hardest things because sometimes we get overwhelmed by what we’re trying so hard to achieve;
  • Don’t let setbacks get us down – if something doesn’t work out right away try again until success comes knocking at our doorstep!

Developing male energy means that when something is hard and unpleasant, you can do it anyway because it is necessary and good for your growth.

Developing male energy means that when something is hard and unpleasant, you can do it anyway because it is necessary and good for your growth. It means not being a coward but facing the difficulty head on.

Developing male energy means that when something is hard and unpleasant, you can do it anyway because it is necessary and good for your growth. It means not being a coward but facing the difficulty head on.

It also means not being afraid of failure—if we are afraid of failure, then we will never succeed! We will always be held back by our own fears of what might happen if things don’t go our way or if we do something wrong. If we develop our male energy further, then we will realize that fear itself holds us back from achieving our goals—and once those fears are gone, there’s nothing stopping us from reaching great heights!

Developing masculinity is not about repressing your female side or even hiding it, but using it when appropriate.

Developing masculinity is not about repressing your female side or even hiding it, but using it when appropriate. For example, if you are in a situation where you need to be strong and assertive (like if you’re getting bullied), then that’s the time to bring out your male energy. But if you’re among friends who are joking around with each other and teasing each other playfully, then it would be inappropriate for you to use aggressive language or gestures because they could make them feel uncomfortable. When developing male energy, remember that being assertive can be very powerful—but so is making sure that others feel comfortable around you!


Developing masculinity is not about repressing your female side or even hiding it, but using it when appropriate. The problem with Western culture is that we are out of balance and we have lost touch with the strength and power of our masculine nature. This has resulted in men being weak and vulnerable, while women dominate and control most aspects of society.

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