What cards do you double down in blackjack?

What cards do you do

uble down in blackjack?

I am a huge fan of blackjack. It’s an easy game to learn, it has a low house edge, and it’s fun to play. But one thing that bugs me is when people double down when they shouldn’t! It’s important to understand when it makes sense to double your bet in blackjack (and when it doesn’t). The following tips will help you know when to go for it:

What cards do you double down in blackjack?

The best time to double down is when you are in a good position to win with very few cards left in the deck.

The best time to double down is when you are in a good position to win with very few cards left in the deck. For example, if the dealer has a 10 or an Ace, it’s usually not a good idea to double down. If your hand is below 11 points and the dealer shows any card less than 5, it’s also not recommended that you double down. However, if both players have 11 points or more on their hands (including Aces) and there are only two cards left in the deck, then go ahead and gamble!

Don’t double down when the dealer has a 10 or an Ace.

Don’t double down when the dealer has a 10 or an Ace.

It’s tempting to double down with a hand like two 4s and two 5s when one of those hands is hot and the other is cold, because you’ve got some pretty good chances of winning. But if you do this against a dealer’s 10 or Ace, it will cost you dearly. The reason for this is that doubling down does not affect any other cards in the game (with one exception). If the dealer already has an Ace or 10 up there—and if they still have it after seeing your card—then they’ll likely beat you! You’re better off just taking your loss than giving them another opportunity to beat you.

Don’t double down with a hand below 11, unless the dealer is also showing a low card.

Now that you know how to double down on the hands in which it’s allowed, let’s talk about when it’s not. You should never double down with a hand below 11. For example, if your hand is 7 and 8, don’t even think about it. If the dealer shows an Ace (value 1), stay away from doubling too—it’ll cost you one more than what you’d have lost had you just hit or stood (as long as the dealer doesn’t hit).

Always double down when you have 11 points, unless the dealer has an Ace card.

  • Always double down when you have 11 points, unless the dealer has an Ace card.
  • Never double down with 9 or less, unless the dealer has a 10 or less.
  • If the dealer has an Ace, don’t risk it!

If you have 10 and the dealer has 10 or less.

If you have 10 and the dealer has 10 or less, double down.

If you have 10 and the dealer has 11, you should hit (take another card).

If you have 10 and the dealer has 12 or more, hit (take another card).

Learn when to double down and win!

Double down when you have a good chance of winning. If you have a hand that will beat the dealer’s up card, and that hand is worth more than 11 points, then you should double down. A good example would be if your cards add up to 12 points and the dealer has an Ace showing; you should almost always double down in this case because your hand will beat any other combination of cards (18 versus 10).

Another reason to go for it is when the dealer has a low card showing—for example, if he has dealt himself two 2s or four 5s. This means he could be holding Aces or 10s which means any card at all could beat his total so long as it isn’t an Ace or ten point value (depending on what’s showing).

If there are no face-up cards remaining in front of either player/dealer and both players want to stay in play rather than hit or stand, then whoever holds the highest cards wins regardless whether their hands are equal or not!


We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of the rules and strategy behind blackjack. Now that you know when to double down, try it out at your local casino!

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